The primary purpose of a dictionary is, of course, to find definitions of words. Students often overlook (or are not made aware of) the plethora of additional purposes of a dictionary including: aiding with spelling, identifying word origins (etymology), parts of speech, multiple meanings of words, pronunciations of words, syllable identification, hyphenation information, inflected forms, variants and idioms. There are also various types of entries including compound entries, prefixes/suffices/combining forms, abbreviations and at times geographical entries and biographical entries.
The Common Core Standards mention dictionary 6 times, pronunciation 11 times and the word reference 19 times. Students need to know the value of the dictionary.
Below are suggestions to help support the use of a 'non' 21st century tool yet blending it with the skills of a 21st century classroom.
#1. The obvious...online dictionary. Dictionary.com, wordcentral.com, dictionary.reference.com, merriam-webster.com, or simply type "Define XXX" into your google search engine.
#2. Dictionary Webquests.
#3. Combine the study of context clues with a create your own dictionary of made up words. Students can model their dictionary pages after popular online dictionaries.
#4. Practice Pronunciation! Make pronunciation fun. Use an online dictionary and display the entries on the smartboard. Allow students to attempt to pronounce words and then reward their efforts by allowing them to click the speaker. Have them ask Alexa to pronounce words! Encourage pronunciation attempts by using a voice recorder or iFunface or Facetalker!
#5. October 16th is dictionary day. Education World provides several great lesson ideas in celebration of Noah Webster's birthday.
The dictionary is not going away. It is an abundant effective resource. So lexicographers delight, your treasured dictionary will not soon be replaced and will always help while you're