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QR Code Scavenger Hunt

If you've followed my blog for some time, you may have noticed that I'm a bit of a QR code queen (or quack).  I love those quirky codes and feel that they have unlimited potential for use in the classroom.  As more and more technology emerges in districts (ipads, smartphones, ipod touch, e-readers, wifi access) There are more opportunities to re-write lessons and activities to integrate QR codes.

Following this trend, I decided to 'makeover' a classic scavenger hunt that I've always done to include QR codes.  In the activity, students practice utilizing context clues to determine the meaning of unknown words (a very VALUABLE skill and one focused on in the new Common Core Standards)

To conduct the scavenger hunt the students need to 'scan' a QR code and read a context clue question.  As they answer the question (and write the answer on the worksheet) they will be led to an envelope which contains a different question (and context clue).  When that question is answered, the students are given a key letter to be used in solving a riddle.

I have never gone wrong with this lesson.  I like to call it a 'plug and play' lesson.  Students are working cooperatively, enthusiastically and are engaged in the learning.  It is truly one of my favorites!!

Check it out at my TpT store OR follow my blog and leave me a message and I'll send it to you for free.   :)

Now that's using your smarticles!!