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Gladiator Style Classroom Management

The inspiration for this unique classroom management system came from my sons and the years of experience they have had playing battle games such as Pokemon and Yu-Gi-Oh. So, when I was faced with a particularly challenging set of behaviors in my Social Studies classroom AND we were about to study Ancient Rome, I decided to create my own interactive battle game using Gladiators.

Essentially the game is an incentive device whereby positive student behaviors are rewarded with 'coins'. The behaviors I focused on were turning in homework, being prepared, behaving and participating in class. Once students had collected several Roman coins, they were given the option to purchase a part of their Gladiator (arms, legs, helmet, shield, sword, attack points, defense points and health points). The objective for the students was to build the most powerful Gladiator that they could for the Gladiator Games to be held at the end of the marking period.

There was no promise, however, that the most prepared student would be the winner of the battles because the game inherently had a strategy built in. The items they purchased all had different values that applied to the attack, defense or health of their Gladiator. Students were able to select what to 'buy' and purchase it through a fulfillment station. They would then fill in their order forms and put their coin(s) in an envelope.

A Brief Look At The Point System

An Attack Sequence


Gladiator "Parts":

Gladiator Order Form

Gladiator Attack Auto-Scoring (Excel)

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Ancient Rome 

(QR Code Webquest)

Packet contains a QR driven webquest of Ancient Rome. It covers Rome from beginning to end. This works beautifully as a cooperative learning activity with iPad or other devices that can scan QR Codes. Packet can work as a webquest too, as each QR code corresponds with a website link that is included in the packet.

Packet contains a QR driven webquest of Ancient Rome. It covers Rome from beginning to end. This works beautifully as a cooperative learning activity with iPad or other devices that can scan QR Codes. Packet can work as a webquest too, as each QR code is hyperlinked.